The Idea

It was one of those particularly beautiful May afternoons in Atlanta.  The ones where the temperature is mild, the pressure is low, and the sky is so clear and feels so astronomically high that I’ve named this shade “enormous blue”.  I had made a brief stop at a playground to let the kids play somewhere in between being here and going there. The stop and the beautiful weather left me time to daydream about the fast approaching summer. I wondered how many other beautiful places like this there were around Atlanta.  That’s when inspiration struck.

An idea to get out and explore as many intown Atlanta parks (both hidden-away and reknown), green spaces and beltline paths as possible over the summer and to report on and rate them. But I found it difficult to find a single comprehensive source on neighborhood playgrounds and green spaces.  Especially considering the large number of tiny neighborhood parks which I seem to stumble upon.  I’m not claiming that I’ll find them all, but I’m hoping (with reader’s help) to create here a blog of local parks to share so that you may discover some new favorites along with me

Atlanta City emblem

Atlanta City emblem (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


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